
Wedding Photographer in Charleston | Toulouse’s 1st birthday

April 1, 2020

Hi, I'm Catie.
A wedding photographer based in Charleston, SC specializing in dreamy and true to life imagery for couples planning their dream wedding. 

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In honor of Toulouse’s 1st birthday I am going to share some of my favorite photos and memories of him. Since I am a Wedding Photographer in Charleston, I have been blessed to be able to take pictures literally all the time. Which I’m sure he’s not a huge fan of, but I love it because I am always able to document his life.

And we are starting with the day that I got him! I can’t believe he’s a year old! It feels like just yesterday that I adopted him.

I rescued Toulouse from the Grateful Golden Rescue of the Lowcountry in June of 2019. The people that surrendered his litter to the rescue didn’t take the best care of them, so they all had worms and were malnourished. But as soon as I saw him I knew he was perfect for me! Originally I was going between the names Toulouse and Mowgli. Can you tell I’m obsessed with Disney? But I finally decided on Toulouse. It fit him so much better than Mowgli.

wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever

Our first trip to the beach! Toulouse was TERRIFIED! He was not a fan of all of the sand and the ocean. I couldn’t even put him down because he kept trying to jump back into my arms. But I’m glad he got to experience it then! Now he doesn’t mind the beach so much.

golden retriever puppy at the beach

As many of you know, Toulouse had digestive issues the first few months I got him. He was tested for literally everything. Our vet in Downtown Charleston discovered that it was most likely an allergy because he started loosing his hair as well. I had to test out a lot of stuff, but eventually figured out he is allergic to gluten. Typical Mount Pleasant dog, right?!

So because of all of this we took a lot of car rides to Downtown Charleston. He had lots of mini adventures.

golden retriever puppy in charleston

Toulouse loves to play keep away. Especially with shoes, towels, blankets, and oven mitts. I’ve had to puppy proof the whole house because of him. But it’s definitely worth it. Another thing Toulouse absolutely loves is whipped cream and ice cream. It’s his favorite treat!

wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever

Toulouse not only hates the ocean, but he’s not a huge fan of baths either. But he always looks so cute when he’s in the bath!

wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever

There are lots of sleepy pictures of Toulouse. I love it when his tongue sticks out when he sleeps. I think it’s so cute. When he was little he used to sleep on my lap or chest, but now he will kill me if he does that because he is so dang heavy.

Another reason I love being a wedding photographer in Charleston, I can set up my tripod and take pictures of Toulouse and I together.

As you can see by the many faces he is making in the pictures below, he is still not a huge fan of pictures.

wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever

And he loves to dress up for Halloween….

wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever

Dressed up in a Disney and Tom Hanks character. Two of my favorite things!

Okay and last photo I have to share is for his birthday.

We went downtown to take a few pictures with the blooming Wisteria.

wedding photographer in charleston with golden retriever

And that’s all the pictures I have to share! I hope you loved seeing his little face.

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  1. Justine says:

    Who doesn’t love a puppy pic?! That first one is just perfect. Happy Birthday

  2. Ashley says:

    Love him!! And love these images!! Happy birthday Toulouse! Such an adorable name. Reminds me of aristocrats! And he’s the same color of the kitten name Toulouse from that movie 🙂

    • Catherine Hurt says:

      Fun fact…I actually named him after the cat in Aristocats hahahah! I name all of my animals after Disney characters. Toulouse just worked perfectly for him specifically because of the color of the Aristocat kitty!!

  3. These are the absolute best! You are so adorable as well as Toulouse!

  4. Your fur-baby is precious! Goldens are my favorite and this makes me want one!

  5. Nikki says:

    What a good boy!!!! He could not be anymore beautiful. Happy birthday Toulouse!!!

  6. Kate says:

    Oh my goodness! What a cutie!!! I love all the adventures you guys go on!

    • Catherine Hurt says:

      I try to include him as much as possible in my day to day life! I think he enjoys it too 🙂

  7. Samantha says:

    These are amazing! What an adorable fur-baby. I love getting a glimpse into his sweet personality.

  8. Mandy Provan says:

    Oh Catie he is absolutely adorable!!! What a precious boy. That last picture is heart melting!! This post has just strengthened my resolve to get a golden!!!

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